I haven’t been blogging. I have been reading a lot, having hundreds of stories in my head – and today I discovered I had 33 draft posts sitting on my dashboard. So many possibilities, thoughts, opportunities, fleeting memories and wizard words flying in the dome of my imagination.
No, I don’t mind. When the time comes, I will get back at it – but lately I just want to take a break and simply laugh more – and, yes, laugh at myself also. Or maybe it is reflection time and I need the solitude and quiet to think.
But as I have been re-reading some of the themes and ideas and stories, I thought again of Umair Haque and something he had written: “.. A life well lived isn’t party time with the airheads at the McClubs in Ibiza. And here’s the inconvenient truth: it’s going to take more than the tired old refrains of hard work, dedication, commitment, and perseverance. It’s going to take very real heartbreak, sorrow, grief, and disappointment. Is the heartache worth the breakthrough; is the desolation worth the accomplishment; is the anguish balanced by the jubilation; perhaps, even, are the moments of bitter despair, sometimes, finally, the very instants we treasure most?..”
So, I am at a stage where I am trying to laugh more finding the magic to experience what’s true and do stuff that matters. And I do laugh more often – especially at myself.