Why bother? (Or don’t have to because…)
- My boss loves me…
- I make enough money…
- I feel comfortable where I am…
- It’s hard looking for something new…
- My wife is a doctor…
- My dad is a lawyer…
- I am too old to bother…
- I am too smart and I am OK for now…
- I am too smart to waste time looking…
Really? What’s your excuse?
Life’s a basket full of experiences, challenges, new ideas, feelings, rainbows after the rain and skies that open up to new possibilities.
So, get out your painting brushes, materials, colors, papers, feelings, thoughts, ideas, frustrations, words, and anything else you feel you need – and think of Michelangelo. Be a Michelangelo and start dealing with whatever it is you need to solve.
And, if you really want a kick in the rear end to get you started, do something simple. Go to your inspiration library and pull the story of someone whose life was/is harder than yours. Be humbled, see what they went through and how they overcame. And if you don’t have a library – maybe it’s time to start putting together your very own and personal inspiration collection.
And if you don’t have anything right off the bat, borrow some of mine:
Just don’t sit on your excuses!